The draft Unity Plan is being developed right now... please provide your comments and feedback to the Community Questionnaire 2 as soon as possible!

30 June 2009

Whats your Green Initiative?

What green initiative(s) are you aware of in other places (i.e. home, travels) that could benefit Huntsville?


  1. AnonymousJune 30, 2009

    - converting to bull frog power
    - designing green roof tops into buildings
    - adding bicycle lanes along roadways
    - minimizing the use of pavement
    - anti-idling by-law with lots of education

  2. AnonymousJuly 04, 2009

    -green roof tops is huge!
    -solar energy is definitely not a resourcse we as a community are making proper use of
    -there are no bicycle routse along major street which discourages bicycle traffic
    - bicycle cabs are a new program that was introduced in Toronto
    -stricter penalties for the breakers of the no idling by law
    -we also need stricter enforcement of the no littering laws and more recycling bins along main streets that cleary indicate what is to be recycled not thrown in the garbage
    -in Australia they have companies that take garbage and sort it intowhat can be recycled and what can be composted
    -recycling for all businesses and garbage restriction on businesses so that they will actually recycle (for example they are only allowed X number of garbage bags a week and have to pay for additional bags to be picked up)
    -compost program for restaurants where old food will no loner be thrown in the garbage
    -compostable bags only for garbage -- no more plastic bags accepted

  3. AnonymousJuly 04, 2009

    -compostable bags only - no more plastic garbage bags
    -bicycle taxis
    -bicycle lanes on all roads
    -recycling for all businesses mandatory or fines will be charged to cover the cost of sorting their garbage for them

  4. AnonymousJuly 04, 2009

    smokers should be kept in one area away from all of the non smokers - it pollutes the air as well as helps to kill millions of innocent people every year
    I choose not to smoke so i shouldn't have to breathe in toxins because someone else chooses to commit slow suicide
    also incentives should be given ot quit smoking so we can be a totally green community! No smoking in public and free nicotine patches for those who are serious about quitting!

  5. AnonymousJuly 04, 2009

    green roof technology
    more recycling bins
    stricter laws/repercusions for those who choose to litter

  6. AnonymousJuly 05, 2009

    ban smoking in public spaces

  7. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    Policies and regulations need to be enforced no matter what they are. no littering bylaws, no idling, and recycling bylaws need to be regulated and enforced. Make the town more biker friendly. Outdoor people come here from all over to enjoy nature most in a non-motorized fashion. We should have a route for them to bike and they could stop and camp along the way.toxic taxis should be made available so the town will pick up toxic waste from your yard for free. carpooling programs for people to get to work should be put in place from in the town and surrounding areas.
