The draft Unity Plan is being developed right now... please provide your comments and feedback to the Community Questionnaire 2 as soon as possible!

General Comments and Feedback

Here is your place to provide input into Huntsville's Unity Plan. Post away...


  1. HI there.
    I wasn't able to be at your first town hall meeting but one thing I think should be considered is input from Green industries in Huntsville.
    Example would be Lord and Partners, owned and managed by Barry Young.
    He was one of two businesses at the G8 media opportunity and from that has been invited to one of the countries to speak about his business and passion for the environment.
    The other business at that media event was Environs..the new business in the south end.. I think that is the name...
    Input from them would enhance the "economic development" opportunities in the Unity Plan.
    I will be back in Huntsville Feb 21 to March 5th if you would like to discuss further with me

    George Young

  2. Thanks Councillor Young, I will follow up!
